Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Zero XU Electric Motorcycles

Zero XU Electric Motorcycles 

One of the concerns regarding the use of electric motors, the owner must charge the bike when not being ridden. But what if there are no power outlets that can be found when you arrive at the destination location. This is trying to be overcome by the designer Zero XU, the first electric motor that allows you to quickly be able to remove the battery and charge it. Zero XU also features an optional extra charging a separate kit. This idea makes as Zero XU's first commuter electric motors that allow the application.

Previous company based in California SuperMoto has released two other electric motors, namely Zero S and Zero DS dual-sport. Interestingly though the latest variant, Zero XU "only" priced U.S. $ 7,995 or $ 2,000 cheaper than the two brothers. This is because the cost of battery-Zero XU more "efficient". For information on any electric motor current, battery components become the most expensive devices. If the Zero S uses 4.4 kWh battery pack, then Zero XU sustained a lithium-ion battery 2kWh taken from Zero MX motocross.

Zero XU chassis are also picked from the genre Zero MX dirt bike design has a frame design that allows access in and out of battery. Simply open the locking aluminum frame and it takes about 20 minutes. However batteries are not 2kWh portable lightweight components that can be granted. You can imagine the car as a comparison standard battery. Zero XU battery even bigger and denser. So make sure you have enough power when it lifted, or use other means such as take it with a small trolley.

In 2011, manufacturers have begun sending Zero XU electric motor to the number of countries. With a focus on light weight and exceptional hadling, as well as an enjoyable performance, Zero XU has a great chance for a road opening in the revolution of electric motors.

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